Monday, May 23, 2011

Meet Brandy Fields

A little bit about myself..  I am Brandy Fields.  I am 35 years old and live in Buford, Georgia.  I never thought I would be living back in the town I grew up.  However, God has a great sense of humor.  I recently moved back to the States after living abroad for the past six years.  God said it was time to go back and sit still for awhile (I'm not sure how well I am at this sitting thing).  So, here I am.  I've been teaching health/pe for the past 11 years.  I've traveled alot in the last six years.  The Lord blessed me with an amazing opportunity to see the world.  The one thing I absolutely love about traveling is to meet the locals and to experience the culture.  There is nothing like getting to know other people and seeing how the rest of the world lives.  No matter if your time in another country is short, you quickly get to see how you can form relationships.  Relationship is all what God wants us to have with Him. I'm looking forward to sharing that with the people of Guatemala. 

A big reason I want to go on this mission trip, I really enjoy serving others.  I've been trying to figure out how to serve others and serve them well..  I'm hoping that I will be able to do that on this trip, whether it is building a home, handing out shoes, or simply sharing my testimony about the Lord.  I can't wait.

A funny fact about myself..for those who know me absolutely know that I'm not shy at all.  However, when I was a child my mom entered me into a beauty pagent.  The only thing I had to do was to walk out on the stage and turn around.  BUT...I was so shy I couldn't do it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Meet Sabrina Joseph

My name is Sabrina Joseph. Im 27 years old and live in Snellville, Ga where I have lived the majority of my life.  I love the water, playing guitar and spending time with close friends and family. I graduated in 2009 from Georgia State University with a Bachelors in Managerial Science. I wholeheartedly believed I would be going straight into the corporate world out of college, but God had other plans for me. I never believed I would be called into ministry, but here I am currently working at 12Stone Church. I work with the Redemptive Arts team to help program, produce and coordinate Sunday services and worship events. I LOVE MY JOB and find out more and more everyday that I am right where I am supposed to be! 

I desire to give all of myself to follow Jesus. To sacrifice the comfort and security of my life to serve and risk everything to know Him and love His people. That is why I decided to embark on the journey to Guatemala this summer. We will never embrace the full life He has for us if we aren't willing to step out in faith and trust His greater purposes and plan for our lives and the world.

I will bring energy, joy and a heart for prayer and worship to the team. Cant wait to build deeper community and invest myself in the lives of friends and strangers over the days there. Please pray for a supernatural peace, ability to live present in the moment, and courage to risk vulnerability and invest in the lives of others. I hope to leave having encountered Jesus and knowing Him in a deeper way.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Meet Jennifer Brown

My name is Jennifer Brown and I live in Gainesville, Ga where I was born and raised! I have a Bachelors in Fine Arts with a concentration in Photography from Georgia State University. Right now I feel a huge calling on my heart to “Go Love” on people. Already this year I have traveled to Haiti and now I get to love on the people in Guatemala. I’m excited to see all the amazing things that God has prepared for us on this trip. Besides bringing my rad sense of humor and punk rock attitude…I’m sure I’ll be capturing every moment of this trip with my mac-daddy camera! Did I mention I will be bringing sarcasm to our group, too?!

My prayer request is that God will keep our team safe and open our hearts and minds to the people of Guatemala so we’re able to do His work!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Meet Alonya Franklin

My name is Alonya Franklin and I live on Buford , GA.  I am the oldest of 3 girls (Jillianne 25, Ashley 22) and I am originally from Michigan . I attended Oakland University where I obtained my Bachelors in Pre-Law/Communication. I still plan on attending law school, hopefully one day soon! An interesting fact/prayer request for me is I have a HUGE fear of frogs (yes I said frogs), lizards, iguanas, etc! Pretty much anything that is a reptile or amphibian except for turtles, terrify me. It wasn’t until recently I realized that I may be within the vicinity of these creatures and it will be hilarious to all if I happen to see one…. so yeah, keep me in prayer!  

This year has really been a turning point of a lot of things God has promised me. Going to Guatemala is the next promise on my path. I’ve always have a love for Latin culture and the Spanish language. Years ago in college I had a vision of myself singing worship music in Spanish. I saw myself in the midst of people and being able to make a difference. I had no idea back then how God would bring my vision to pass because my home church in Michigan didn’t have any open mission opportunities. I just put it away as some far off dream. And here I am, living in Georgia by God’s direction, a member of 12Stone Church , and now about to embark upon what I hope to be my 1st of many mission trips.

I hope to bring an element of fun to the team and hopefully strengthen my Spanish speaking skills! I just thank God for putting me with such a great group of believers who I know will be a joy to serve with. I am truly overwhelmed to know that what seemed like such an impossible thing for me is really happening and believe there is an awesome blessing coming for the country of Guatemala . I just pray that God will use me despite my fears and insecurities to help others and touch lives while I am there.

Meet Amanda Kelley

I’m Amanda Kelley and I am 27 years old. I have been teaching 6 years. I currently teach kindergarten and love it. I am looking forward to a great summer this year-I spent last summer in grad school. I love to travel, but have never been on a mission trip. I have always wanted to go, but never have gone. I am so excited for a new experience and to challenge myself. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for our team and will teach us. I hope to learn a lot about myself and help others.
Fun Fact: I love hot chocolate anytime of the year!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Meet Jenny Long

My name is Jenny Long, I am 29 years old and I live in Lawrenceville.  I'm a registered veterinary technician and I work for a global animal pharmaceutical company.  A little known fact about me: I used to compete in beauty pageants.  Those of you who know me, know I'm not the girliest of girls, so for me to prance around in a big dress all done's a little weird.  I was even voted Miss Congeniality by my peers, such a proud moment (sniff sniff). 

For me, I never had to think twice about joining the Guatemala mission team.  I knew it was something I wanted to do and that I was going to do.  I am still amazed that God has chosen me to be a part of this team.  I hope I can make Him proud.  I am looking forward to loving on people, helping people, and growing in my own faith while on this trip. 

I'm so excited to be on this team and I cannot wait to find my place on in it.  I hope to bring encouragement, love, comfort and some humor to this trip.  We are so incredibly lucky and blessed to be traveling to Guatemala to do His work.  I just want to pinch myself sometimes, it doesn't seem real.  God is good.

Meet Mick Winzeler

My name is Mick Winzeler and I am a 30 year old high school math teacher.  I have a Bachelors in Finance from UGA and a Masters in Education from Mercer University.  I decided to go on a mission trip because I feel that God has blessed me with time this summer and I would like to use it for His glory, instead of hoarding it all for myself!  I am also a professional and natural bodybuilder.

On the Guatemala trip, I'm looking forward to sacrificing myself for the good of others.  I bascially just want to meet someone else's needs.  I hope I can do whatever it takes to help the team run smoothly and make the most of our time with needy people.  I hope to come back from this trip closer to God than when I left!  I pray that I can just rid myself of any selfish ambitions on the trip and totally surrender to will of God in helping the needy and my teammates!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Meet Charlie Moore

I am a 28 year old field tech that graduated from Young Harris College with an Associates Degree then I went on the University of Georgia and acquired my BS in Environmental Science. I now live in Buford, GA. I decided to go on this mission trip because I have been on mission trips in the past and had good experience with them. In some ways they are a revival for me. I feel renewed and it helps me to refocus on Christan living.

On this trip to Guatemala, I am most looking forward to being changed and stretched to minister to others in ways that I normally would not. I also want to provide comic relief to the rest of the team while on the trip.  Really, I just want to do my part.  I am not going to try to do too much or too little.  I hope we can all come togther to do the work God wants done.  Ultimately, I want to help bless the people of Guatemala and the team members on this trip.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Meet Amanda Rogers

My name is Amanda Rogers and I am 26 years old. I'm one of four children (the only girl!). Originally from Wisconsin, I moved to Georgia in July 2008 to teach 8th grade Algebra. This summer, I plan to do a whole bunch of firsts- 1st mission trip, 1st marathon, and 1st time skydiving! I'm one of the pickiest eaters around, so I'll probably have a few "first" foods in Guatemala, too.

Fun Fact: I used to be a competitive figure roller skater. No, not roller derby; I'm not that tough. Figure skating-- you know, jumps and spins, like Nancy Kerrigan but on wheels! I traveled all over the United States to compete. By the time I graduated high school, I had visited all 48 of the continental states!

I feel that God really led me to this mission trip. When I first had the opportunity to join the team, I chickened out - Guatemala is so far out of my comfort zone! After speaking with a couple of friends, I decided that it was something I really wanted to do. But wasn't it too late? Not if it's in God's will! I joined the Guatemala mission team the day before we bought the plane tickets! I love how God works in our lives, and I look forward to seeing what He has in store for us this summer!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Team: all parts working as one body

Las manos ayuda a Dios = God's helping hands.

Our second meeting was held on Sunday, May 1st.  Here are the highlights:
  • We have 2 new team members!  Amanda Rogers and Brandy Fields have joined the team and we are all so excited!  That brings us to 14 members strong. 
  • Following the last meeting we each took a spiritial gifts test, so we discussed the results.  It's amazing to see what a diversified group that God has assembled. 
  • Our plane tickets were purchsed! It's official!!!
  • We're planning a dinner in the near future so that we can all bond and get to know each other better.
  • We will be updating the blog with individual team member bios in the next few weeks.
  • We're all continuing our fundraising efforts so that we can all meet our final goal in the next month.
  • Our next meeting will be on Sunday, May 22nd.
The excitement is building and it really is amazing to see the team start to discover all the talent and special gifts that He has given each member.  The gifts will most certainly be used on this trip for His purpose.

Matthew 9:37-38 NLT
37 He said to his disciples, "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields."

Romans 10:11-15 NLT
11 As the Scriptures tell us, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced." 12 Jews and Gentile are the same in this respect.  They have the same Lord, who gives generously to all who call on him.  13 For "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." 14 But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him?  And how can they believe in him if they have never heard of him?  And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? 15 And how will anyone tell them without being sent?  That is why the Scriptures say, "How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!"

Romans 12:4-5 NLT
4 Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, 5 So it is with Christ's body.  We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.

Countdown: 46 days.